Friday, July 2, 2010

"...but you will blow me first"

If you missed the Mel Gibson scandal, you can learn about it anywhere on the internet. Basically, he's a mean guy and he punches his wife and after a long, threatening, and racist diatribe, he told said this to her "(see above)".

William Wallace, the actual historic character Gibson portrayed in Braveheart, made belts with the skin of his enemies...and was also bat-shit insane.

Update: To be fair, Oksana Grigorieva, Gibson's spouse, attempted to extort $10,000,000 from Gibson in order to keep the recordings of his unmitigated rage private.

Money, money. I used to evaluate large sums of money by figuring how many slices of my favorite pizza (which no longer exists) I could buy with it: 4,000,000 slices, that's 500,000 pizza pies.

In the latest recording, Oksana placidly tells Gibson that she never asked for his money, or something to that effect, and through Gibson's seething rebukes, I can't help but feel a bit of the gold-digger sting myself...not to legitimize anything that Gibson said.

I mean hey, it's Mel Gibson! Come on!