Monday, June 21, 2010

The Effects of One Rugrats Episode

Almost refreshing isn't it?

Call me childish, but life is one big regression as far as my new boss tells me,
and why not venture back to Rugrats? A lot of conversations naturally veer in this direction, the Nickelodeon direction, and I'm not crazy because I've seen it happen.

I like to think that the first person to actually use the terms "rug rat(s)," instinctively, was this fantastic guy:

The purpose of this entry though, is not just for idle reminiscing, but because of one particular episode you might be able to recall, unless you're like me and it permanently affected your psyche, in which case you would not have forgotten.

The episode where Chuckie swallows a watermelon seed and the rugrats thought if he didn't get it out, it would grow into a real watermelon.

There's really no more plot to explain besides how they all shrink and traipse around Chuckie's insides without ever suffering a casualty.

But this affected the way I viewed fruit, and eating seeds, especially in watermelons, and I recently realized how fucking silly it's all been...but I'm almost positive this episode was the cause of it all.
Here's an actually creepy picture of a watermelon, to get all your cravings going. Haha.

Unrelated, a video of a man that looks like he's continuously being mauled, but actually just giving really big cats, really big hugs.